About the Maryland Innovation Extension, an EDA University Center
The Maryland Innovation Extension is an Economic Development Administration (EDA) University Center, with additional support coming from matching partners at the UM Ventures Baltimore Fund, TEDCO MII, TEDCO RBII, TEDCO UBII, and the University System of Maryland (USM). Through the extension, the University of Maryland, along with partner institutions Bowie State University, Morgan State University, Coppin State University, and the University of Baltimore, are collaborating to bring entrepreneurial resources to the entire state of Maryland, with a particular focus on external partnerships and community entrepreneurs.
The primary resources offered to current and aspiring Maryland entrepreneurs include:
- Startup Fundamentals Workshops
- Entrepreneurs-in-Residence Program
- I-Corps Customer Discovery short courses
If you are a Maryland-based entrepreneur, or are looking to become one, please see below to access any of these resources, or contact us to find out more. You can also follow our LinkedIn Page by clicking the icon below.

Startup Fundamentals Workshops
Access to free, high-quality entrepreneurship training can be hard to find. The Maryland Innovation Extension leverages existing entrepreneurial resources at our partner schools to offer practical workshops in many subjects, ranging from how to set up accounting books to how to approach a venture capitalist.
Workshops are usually offered 1-2 times per week. Participants who wish to attend live will be able to come and ask their questions directly to expert presenters.
Many of these workshops are recorded, and are viewable on the Startup UMD YouTube channel.
Entrepreneurs- in- Residence (EIRs) are available to speak with entrepreneurs at any stage in building their venture. These mentors have tremendous experience in developing their own startups, as well as helping others navigate entrepreneurship. EIRs are available for faculty, staff, and students affiliated with our partner institutions as well as entrepreneurs working with TEDCO.
I-Corps Customer Discovery Programs
I-Corps training has a proven track record in helping entrepreneurs to rapidly create and test their business models using real customer feedback. Through the Maryland Innovation Extension, I-Corps training is free for all Maryland-based entrepreneurs and individuals with a business idea.
Please note that the program has a limited capacity. Priority will be given to individuals with a connection to our extension partner institutions.
I-Corps short courses are offered multiple times per year. Please review the program details page to learn more about the structure of the program and review the upcoming cohorts page for a list of upcoming programs.
Additionally, if you don not currently have an idea but want to potentially join a current I-Corps team, please fill out the teammate request form below.